Yow Furry Meow!
I got something for you tonight and I know you also love to munch all the time. Voolah! The internet, as we all know, provides a lot of information about everything. What struck me tonight is all about food hacks. Yeap, you heard (or for this sake, read) it right, food hacks. It's quite charming to see people make most of their food and indeed, I was caught also into it. Maybe, one of these days, I'm gonna try it for myself.
I definitely love food, and I am very much sagacious in religiously eating a lot of food everyday. In fact, I'm having six (oh yeah, surprising isn't it?) full meals a day (err, sometimes not six but not less than three! >.<). Even looking at pictures of food stimulates both of my salivary glands that it makes me drool over replicas of food. Do you think it's healthy? Or is this a sign of a new life or... new size? But... BUT, I'm not gaining even a single pound! I'm still the bony slim type of person that even my classmates get scared of me sometimes because I threaten to stab them with my elbow! Not happy, not healthy! Oh no!!!!
But hey, I still love food, and that's why I'm gonna share this website about food hacks. I was just looking at them for a few moments and I didn't realize I am already swimming in my own drool. Just click the link below.
Nifty Night,
About Me
- Chitz Pobar
- I may look slim and svelte outside but what's really inside is a clump of lard. I am clumsy, crazy and flamboyant who loves jumping and leaping as I walk right down through the runway as part of my silly and squeaky side. On the other hand, I also am a lump of horrific and malefic miasma (lol). Surprisingly, (err, not really) I do love CATS! I love them so much, well actually, i love animals especially the weird and exotic ones like tarantulas, iguanas and geckos (weird, eh?). My crazy friends say that I am a Science Geek. I partly agree to that since I am a biology major. I am a honey Bee for spelling words, and I really hope that I don't misspell words here in my posts.