About Me

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I may look slim and svelte outside but what's really inside is a clump of lard. I am clumsy, crazy and flamboyant who loves jumping and leaping as I walk right down through the runway as part of my silly and squeaky side. On the other hand, I also am a lump of horrific and malefic miasma (lol). Surprisingly, (err, not really) I do love CATS! I love them so much, well actually, i love animals especially the weird and exotic ones like tarantulas, iguanas and geckos (weird, eh?). My crazy friends say that I am a Science Geek. I partly agree to that since I am a biology major. I am a honey Bee for spelling words, and I really hope that I don't misspell words here in my posts.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Day of Half-Awesomeness

Good Day Kitten,

Today was 50% awesome and 50% .... not so awesome. Well actually, I kinda find this day a little bit tiring because of our activity on Physics this morning. Our teacher made us count those filthy, feculent, dirty, germful and rusty Soylas nails (hahaha, hyperbolic adjectives, eh?). Actually, it wasn't a pain in the butt, but it was really an energy-consuming job counting those tiny little trinkets. Oh yes, I used the word trinket since it's really PRECIOUS for us to know how many of them are in those paper boxes that we made this morning. Moreover, we are to find the mass of those nails since we need it for our data table. Oh Gosh! What's worse was there was only one scale available for us all so we had no choice but to wait for our turn to weigh those little things. That was the "not awesome" part of my day.

The awesome part was I am happy to know that my grade for both Prelims and Midterms for Physics was 1.0. Imagine, 1.0? Oh yes, it isn't that hard (I know that feel bro, meh!). Nevertheless, I'm so happy about it because this is the only BURDEN subject I have for this semester and, well, you know physics, with all those so-damn-hard-to-memorize formulas, getting a grade of flat one will really send confetti all over my bravura brain (lol).

Since I am happy, and I think my friends Jackie O'Lantern and AmiloPLASTID (since her name is Amilou and yes, I know the spelling of A-M-Y-L-O-P-L-A-S-T-I-D, just in case you're also a bee for words), about their grades in Physics, we went to play DotA (actually, we're still playing at this very moment) and with the blessing of the Queen Cat, we won the first match. Just please take note, even though we're not happy, even if the emotion is sad, angry, disappointed and even if it's just a normal day, we will still play DotA (lol). 

The picture above is the hero Netherdrake. That's the hero I used during the first match. It's really cool since it is equipped with all those poison techniques. What's not-so-good about this character is it's speed since it is one of the slowest of all the heroes. But overall, it's really a pain to be its opponent.
:scratch - scratch: and :bite - bite:

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